Contact us
If you have any questions about our pawsome treats, ask away. We love talking treaties.
Please quote your order number if applicable. Please note that we may be packing orders, or baking, so may not respond immediately.
We will get back to you as soon as we are able to do so, we always try to respond the same day wherever possible.
Although our store is open 24/7/365 for orders, we don't answer queries on evenings or weekends.
Please don't contact us to tell us how great your SEO/ad/insert anything here services are, Marvinnotabeagle has a zero tolerance attitude to spammers and marketers.
You can contact us
using the chat button at the bottom of your screen
email -
Connect with us on Instagram @bonzadogtreats
Follow our Facebook page Bonza Dogtreats
Call us on 0424 429448